
August 10 National S’mores Day #NationalSmoresDay

Charlie wanted me to let you know August 10th is National S’mores Day #NationalSmoresDay. No, we are not going Camping anytime soon but that is okay. There is a million ways to make Smores besides over a open fire.

Did you know Smores can be prepared in a Microwave or even in a stove? One time we was going to use my Fire Pit in the Trailer but we never got the opportunity to make Smores for Charlie. I was thinking when David gets home this evening to get out the Grill to make Smores on. Would you like to join us?

I will need to go to the store to pick up the ingredients we need for Smores. Would you like to come with us? How many Smores would you like? I know Charlie will want at least two and David to. Before you ask what about me. I don’t eat Smores because I’m not that fond of Marshmallows. How about you?

Recipe for Smores:

Prep Time: 3 mins Cook Time: 2 mins

Total Time: 5 mins Servings: 1


  1. Heat marshmallow over an open flame until it begins to brown and melt.
  2. Break graham cracker in half; sandwich chocolate between graham cracker and hot marshmallow. Allow marshmallow to cool a little before eating

For more information on S’mores:

Books to celebrate August 10 National S’mores Day #NationalSmoresDay August 10 National S’mores Day #NationalSmoresDay

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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