The weekend may be coming to a end but I wanted to share #Hoildays you can celebrate with your family this weekend. Remember when celebrating the #Holidays you can do most of them outside and you wouldn’t break the bank doing these events.
First and foremost on October 5th is Frugal Fun Day #FrugalFunDay. Why not gather your Art Supplies to make cards and take them to your local Park and create greeting cards or cards you can hand out during the Holiday for your families.
Bring along a Picnic lunch and your favorite beverages. For dessert get your family into the kitchen and you can make a Apple Betty to celebrate National Apple Betty Day #AppleBettyDay. If you don’t have a recipe here is one I found online.
Today is also National Do Something Nice Day #DoSomethingNiceDay and when your making cards and creating your Apple Betty why not make extra that you can share with your neighbors. Or bring one to a local school because its also World Teachers Day #WorldTeachersDay on October 5th.
Then we also need to celebrate National Get Funky Day #GetFunkyDay which is a day to let loose and have fun. Which I’ve given you plenty of ways to do today. All I ask is for you to leave me a comment and let me know what you decided to do and why.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates