
Businesses Make Mistakes Too

David’s company was supposed to have begun Direct Deposit this week then we found out either the Bank or his office had written the account information down wrong which ended up losing David’s check. We’ve been fighting with the bank and David’s company to get the check replaced.

Without help from David’s mom and his brother Mike my family would have been evicted from our home. Then this week I was blessed with a Sponsored Post that included 10 links and has funded our trip to see Charlie’s friends in Septemeber.

When you think your down and out like we thought we was never give up on the LORD because he knows our needs more than we do and the Lord will take care of us. Even without David’s check we had enough to eat because I purchase Meat when its on sale and keep our freezers stocked at all times.

Even though I had thought about throwing in the towel once again if we needed the money my blog would have saved us and through hard work I know I would have been able to replace it again as long as I didn’t give up on the LORD.

We could use your PRAYERS as were still waiting for David’s check to be replaced and the bills that should have been paid this week we couldn’t pay which means we have double bills this week with a few new bills we picked up and the only way to get these items paid is through the LORDS help.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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