Sick As A Dog

I Was Sick as a Dog Yesterday

I must tell you I must have needed a break from work and life the past couple days. First a headache knocked the wind out of me on Thursday/ Friday. I couldn’t focus on anything. Yesterday afternoon not only was the headache kicking my beyond my stomach messed up. I couldn’t stay out of the restroom most of the day.

I spent most of the day on the couch cat-napping. Charlie cleaned his room which is now the cleanest it has been since we moved in. David made himself a Breakfast Bowl. Charlie ate Original Chicken Breast Sandwiches from Tyson made in the oven.

When I finally felt like I could keep food down I went to make me a Old Fashioned Grilled Cheese for myself. I was blessed because I felt so bad that David made the Sandwiches for me and brought me a Coke when they felt like they were going to come back up.

Today I feel better but not well enough to go to the Pool this morning. Besides that I believe David may be working late. Charlie is still sleeping and I didn’t wake him up because he had such a bad Headaches yesterday I thought he might need the extra rest.

Enjoy your Saturday and if I can help you in any way leave me a comment. I am off to find something to make for dinner this evening and since I’m still not sure what my Stomach may or may not tolerate I have no, clue what to make other than nothing with Milk.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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